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Welcome to the Over 40 Basketball League 2023 Season, celebrating our 32nd season!


On this website you will find the schedule, roster file, and leagues rules. We will play on Sundays at the Recreation Center and on Thursdays at South Side Middle School. The Principles of the Rockville Centre Over 40 League are Sportsmanship and Camaraderie. While the League is designed to be competitive, each player is expected to abide by and demonstrate these Principles.  

If you are unable to attend a game, please contact your Team Representative or another member of your team. If you get hurt, or are not able to play for other reasons, please notify your Team Rep or me. We have 9 teams this year and a waiting list. It is possible that rosters may be adjusted during the year.  

We ask all of you, returning and new players, to read carefully the League Rules. While we follow high school rules in general, we do have some exceptions to those rules. Two important differences that you should take note of are:              



There is a no pressing rule, see rules for details. Failure to comply will result in a warning from the referee and a second occurrence will result in a Technical Foul.

The League has a three tiered Technical Foul Penalty which can lead to a fine, a suspension and, on the third technical foul, dismissal from the League. Players receiving three technical fouls cumulatively, within a single season or across multiple seasons, will be ineligible to play in the Over 40 League.  

The purpose of this rule is to maintain the balance between our competitive spirit and the recreational aspect of this league. Some example behaviors that will result in a technical foul include: repeated failure to drop back in accordance with the No Pressing rule; holding the ball or other actions that interrupts play; swearing after a referee’s call; arguing with referees; and fighting. While we prefer that no technical fouls be assessed, we will enforce the rule. 

The School District and the Recreation Center have requested that we do not allow unattended children into the Middle School or Recreation Center. As many of you know, our gym time is already very restricted and difficult to get so we request your assistance in meeting the requirements of our agreements with the Rec Center and the School District.

Once again, welcome to our new players and a welcome back to our returning. I wish everyone a successful and healthy Over 40 League season.



Jim Kelly  Email

© 2025 RVCBL. Irene PZ, Webmaster

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